M o n e y M a x .

Career Details

Shantha Bandara

J&J Transport

"Actually, when I lost my business, I couldn't think of what to do. At that time, a friend of minetold me about Money Max Funding. I got the loan amount that I asked for faster than I thought.. Thankful for the help."

Gayani Senawirathne

University Student

"I am a 2nd year student in the university. I couldn't find money to get a lap for my future work. then i saw ads on FACEBOOK about fast loan service called Money Max Funding.after applied I got Rs.150000.00 in 2 days. Thank you very much."

Rita Fernando

Salon Ruwaththi

"Last month the income of my salon was reduced, so I was unable to pay my workers. At that time a friend of mine told me about MONEY MAX FUNDING SERVICE. I got the money I asked for."

Geethika Fernando

When my bike broke down, Money Max funding's ad popped up. I applied, in minutes, I had the money for repairs. Life-saver!

Suren Perera

I saw an ad while browsing Facebook and decided to give it a shot. Loan options are great and I got money the same day.

Nayani Fernando

I was finding it very hard to manage paying bills in the end of each month, having service providers like Money Max funding helped me ease my worries as their service is instant and it was easy for me to manage my expenses every month

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